
2010 Body Forward - Completion of Field Mission Models

This is the Rookie year for Team ONYMOUS, and all team members are very excited about this season's First Lego Robotics League (FLL) Challenge; Body Forward. Every now and then we are asked, what is ONYMOUS.  Well, ONYMOUS is the opposite of ANonymous.  This being the Team's rookie year, one of the Team's goal is to "become known and recognized" ... the opposite of being anonymous.

Last week the team finished the Field Mission Models.  It took a bit longer than we would have preferred, but in building the models, the Team Members found new ways of cooperating with each other, and simpler ways of sorting the bricks to complete the models in less time. It was a lot of fun, and some of the Team Members used their creativity to rename some of the bricks.  Across the room, Team Members could be heard calling out for a "Healthy Brick" or a "Sidewalk Brick".  After a while, everyone knew what each of these were.

Everyone is very excited about the FLL and this season's focus of Biomedical Engineering. The Team Members are brainstorming ideas for the Project Challenge, and are eager to continue working on the Field Challenge.  A couple of our Team Members have experience in NXT programming, and they are looking forward to sharing that knowledge with the rest of the Team.