
Team Visits Illinois - November 2010

Team ONYMOUS and Dr. Jeff

Dr Jeff Shows Model of Discs and Vertebrae

TheTeam chose an area of Orthopedics for their FLL Body Forward Research Project and Presentation.  Specifically, the Team chose to look into problems of the spine, and ultimately chose to focus on Scoliosis.  The  Team went on a field trip to the Illinois Back Institute in November, and met with Dr. Jeff Winternheimer the Director for the Institute.  The Illinois Back Institute serves patients with different back problems through a variety of back adjustments, strengthening, disk stabilization and other techniques to help back patients. 

 During their visit, the Team was able to learn more about the spine in general, related problems, ways of imaging the spine, and various treatments.  The Team also had an opportunity to spend some  valuable one-on-one time with Dr. Jeff for a variety of questions and answers.
Can you find Dr. Jeff

Learning About the Spine

Learning About MRI Imaging

More Questions and Answers

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